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My Background

Hi! My name is Aubree Jarrett. I am a holistic practicing mama to two of the coolest boys and a wife to a man that I sometimes think would be an even better doula than myself.​ I've mastered the art of serving women between my bachelors of psychology, 4 years of doula work, motherhood, being a part of the women's health community in my area, and marriage. I am skilled in knowing a woman's needs in all parts of birth and becoming a mother. ​I am a women's health enthusiast and a lover of changing the way we are conditioned to think about birth. I help women see the reality of birth and the reality is... It's BEAUTI.

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What I Do

With my Birthing Guidance, I offer unwavering support to you and your family before, during and after birth. I will stay in close contact in order to routinely check how you’re doing and step in with anything you might need.
My support includes emotional support, physical support, birth companion coaching, and education. My services include two prenatal visits before your birth and then your birth.

Pregnancy, birth and the early days of child rearing can be very scary and stressful. My role with my Postpartum Support service is to ensure you get the best information and care possible. No matter when you need me, I will be there offering support.

In 5 sessions for two hours each we will thoroughly prepare you for a natural childbirth. You will learn everything from physiological birth to how to cope through it! This class has a HIGH success rate and is exactly what all mamas with the dreams of going natural need. 

Having pain, cracked nipples, baby falling asleep at breast, baby latching for only a couple of seconds, or not latching at all? Are you an over producer? Underproduced? Is baby choking often while breastfeeding?
Breastfeeding may come with challenges but there are ALWAYS answers and resources. I can help you find out what’s going on and who I what experts are best suited for you! Skip going from doctor to doctor to doctor get multiple answers or none at all. 
In my counseling session, I guarantee to ind a solution for you right then or can guide you right to professional you actually need. If I can’t figure it out, you’ll get your money back! 

With my Birthing Guidance, I offer support to you and your family before, during and after birth. I will stay in close contact in order to routinely check how you’re doing and step in with anything you might need.


Nurturing Care

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Hospital Labor


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Choosing someone to be a part of one of the most intimate parts of my life such as a pregnancy/birth was a massive decision for me, and I am forever grateful I chose to go with Aubree and her services.
 Being that I chose a home birth for my first pregnancy, I knew that having a doula to support, educate, and nurture me and my husband throughout my pregnancy and birth was a necessity. Because of Aubree,  my husband and I went into my labor with confidence and comfort because of the depth education she provided to the both of us. 
Aubree’s support in my home during my labor was second to none. Having her speak positive affirmations over me, guide me on positions to labor in, rub oils on me, and so much more, was a massive part of what helped me keep a positive mindset and birth my son in my living room after 31 hours of labor. 
Not only did she assist in pulling me to the finish line of having my natural home birth, but she also assisted in helping me kick start my almost 10 month and counting breastfeeding journey. We feel abundantly blessed to have had Aubree as a part of one of the most special times in our life, and will definitely have her again as our Doula in the future! 

Alexis + Nick

New baby


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